
Sunday, June 15, 2014


by David Margolis, President

If you are a business person or professional, who is fully engaged with the day-to-day operation of your business or practice, you barely have enough time in the day to keep up with all the news involving advancements in products and techniques in your field. For example, a pharmacist may be too busy filling prescriptions and ordering pharmaceutical supplies to take note of the recent news that “statin” drugs are showing promise in their ability to keep aggressive forms of prostate cancer from advancing to the bone. The research is in its infancy stage, but our writing department may deem it to be important and interesting enough to include in an upcoming pharmacy column for our pharmacist clients that will appear in their next newspaper publication. It is our intent to be expert enough in our clients’ businesses and professions that we can speak for them.
Occasionally, we hear from clients that the copy, which we provide them, generates so much public
interest, that they need our help. In one such instance, some years ago, an optician was inundated with calls from people who had read about the newly fashionable titanium eyeglass frames that were becoming exceedingly popular. The problem was that our client had little idea that titanium frames were “in” and wanted to know about them. In response, we quickly provided our client with all the pertinent background information needed to fill orders.

These kinds of situations certainly do not happen every day, but they do go to show how committed we are to keeping pace with our clients’ advertising requirements. In some cases, we may actually be one step ahead.

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