
Sunday, April 6, 2014


by David Margolis, President

There is an art to placing a newspaper ad. It has to be big enough to draw attention, but not so big that cost prohibits the placement of further advertising designed to reinforce its effect. And, on the subject of frequency, it has been said that people need at least seven exposures to an advertising campaign before they can be expected to act on it. With all this in mind, we recommend that our clients purchase at least eight column inches of space, each week, to advertise their businesses and professions in their local newspapers. We take it from there.

Every one of the columns that we supply our clients contains content that is researched and written to appeal to the reader’s interest. As a result, consumers get a fuller grasp of who our advertisers are and what they do. It is not enough for advertisers to simply say that they are offering the lowest price. Savvy consumers know that there is a lot more to purchasing goods and services than on the basis of price alone. People want to know as much as they can about what they are getting and who is giving it to them, before they can make an informed purchasing decision. This is true whether you are looking to purchase a car or need the services of a qualified surgeon.

We count doctors, lawyers, insurance brokers, real estate agents, mental health professionals, pharmacists, financial planners, florists, jewelers, dentists, dermatologists, and a host of other professionals among our clients. Each appreciates the value of making their experience and knowledge known to the public.

How about you?

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