
Sunday, October 21, 2018

RECYCLED PAPER by David Margolis, President Syndicated Ad Features

With a click of the mouse or a touch of the screen, you can instantly summon up Internet images and words that satisfy your need for information and entertainment. Then, with another click, you will probably go on to something else. Are you likely to return to what you saw or read, or will you simply forget it? Either way, an advertiser has just an instant to capture reader interest and arrest it and/or redirect it. It all comes down to content. If unable to present readers with something timely, enlightening, and entertaining, advertisers cannot hope to engage them and provide them with an incentive to purchase their goods and/or use their services.

At Syndicated Ad Features, we provide our clients with the wherewithal to attract and retain readership by placing them in an advertising format that cultivates familiarity and promotes education. We think it is an unbeatable combination. Few things attract attention like the human face, which is why our clients’ pictures appear with each of their columns. In addition, reader attention is further drawn with an eye-catching headline that leads into text designed to educate, entertain, and hold reader interest. Topics and copy change with each ad, which draws readers back each week.

While our form of advertising lends itself to use on the Internet, newspaper advertising has a unique advantage. Most people hold onto their local weeklies until the next edition appears at their door. In the meantime, the newspaper gets read and reread. Papers lie on tabletops and desks opened to pages of interest, exposing subscribers to images that do not fade or disappear in a click. Where is that yard sale this weekend? The answer can be found in the newspaper, along with other news and advertising of local interest. The information continuously gets recycled until the next paper appears. Each time readers pick up the weeklies in their homes, advertisers have the chance to emblazon their images and messages in readers’ minds. That’s paper recycling of a sort we heartily promote.

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